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St Ursula's, Berne
St Ursula's, Berne

St Ursula's Church, Berne

Chaplain: Revd Canon Helen Marshall

Assistant Chaplain: Revd David Marshall

This Week at St Ursula’s
9 – 16 March
10:00 All Age Eucharist
no Junior Church or Crèche
8:30 (online) Morning Prayer
8:30 (online) Morning Prayer
8:30 (online) Morning Prayer
9:15 Parents & Tots
10:30 - 11:15 (online) Lectio Divina
8:30 (online) Morning Prayer
9:30 art / craft / patchwork
9:30Quiet Morning
10:00 Eucharist
with Junior Church, Crèche
and Teens Group
Dates for your diary
View our full calendar

You are welcome to join in the full life of the church community. There are opportunities to chat, study the Bible and pray together, and other activities and events.

If you are interested in joining any of our meetings or activities, please contact our Chaplain Helen or the Church Office.

We have up-to-the-minute information in our weekly newsletter which is sent by email to church members – email the Chaplain if you want to receive this regularly. The letters also contain resources for reflection.

Please do contact the Chaplain by email or phone her at home if you need any pastoral or spiritual care, practical support or assistance.

Service plan
for the next few weeks
Current Sunday
notice sheet and readings
Current month's
hymn list
Check out our

There is a crèche and an active Junior Church at ten o'clock on most Sundays.
And a Group for Teenagers meeting once a month on Sunday mornings, with additional social activities.

If you would like to know more about what is going on, the office will be pleased to give you more details. Ring us for a chat and we can send you a welcome leaflet.

Our services are in English, but language is no barrier!

Note that, in common with the rest of the Diocese in Europe, we have robust procedures to ensure the safety of children and vulnerable adults.
Our Safeguarding Officer is Cecily Klingler (031 302 48 59, mobile: +41 76 425 48 59)

Jubiläumsplatz 2
3005 Berne, Switzerland
Telephone: +41 31 352 85 67
IBAN: CH79 0900 0000 3000 4416 8 (Church); CH61 0900 0000 6066 6488 7 (Association)
Postfinance: 30-4416-8 (Church); 60-666488-7 (Association)

TC - Page last modified 8 March 2025