Everyday Faith

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Everyday Faith
St Ursula's Church
Berne, Switzerland

A Church of the Anglican Communion, welcoming all who seek the Lord Jesus Christ


We gather together on Sundays as Christ's people to pray and worship, to hear God's word and be nourished through Holy Communion. At the end of the service we are sent out to live out our faith in our daily lives. We are called to follow Christ from Monday to Saturday and not just on Sunday. The 'gathered' church is also the 'sent' church.

The Everyday Faith project, which many Anglican churches in Switzerland and elsewhere are engaged in, encourages all Christians to use their gifts within the church and also to live out their faith in their everyday lives.

Below are some videos of members of St Ursula's talking about their Christian faith and their everyday lives. We hope that these videos will prompt us to pray for one another in our daily lives and work, and to encourage us to have more confidence in living our faith, and sharing our faith, in our everyday lives.


Jorum Kirundi

Art Funkhouser

Brian Morgan
HD - Page last modified 17 June 2021